In this era of technology overload and disconnection, Hand + Foot is a place that values humanity and where customers feel like they belong—where someone greets you by name and starts making your drink while you are still settling into your seat. Great music, no 24/7 TV, a long community table, and couches and chairs nestled in the window niches, all work to create a reason to put away your smart phone and drop into a place of here-and-now conviviality with your neighbors from down the street or the other side of the world.

Why the name “Hand + Foot”
Hand + Foot is a card game played through three generations of our family. It is a complex undertaking involving teams of two, and scores in the tens of thousands. The game is played around the kitchen table on a cold winter night or over the course of a summer. Although bragging rights are certainly important, the even bigger prize is the community it creates. The rhythm of shuffling and dealing, of fetching drinks and popping corn, and the whiling away of time, forgetting petty differences and strengthening bonds, is an invaluable and beloved part of this small family’s tradition.
As the family expands, so do the players. With friends and lovers joining the fun, the game’s greatness becomes more and more clear and its contribution more and more important. If at first glance the name Hand + Foot seems a touch strange, all one need do is join the regulars at the bar with an order of house-made pretzels and a Miller Highlife for the clarity of purpose to shine through. Or gather your favorite people around Hand + Foot’s community table with a bottle of the Finger Lakes’ own Red Tail Ridge Teroldego, and you will be a believer, hooked on the stuff that transforms a loving family into a trusted tribe.